AIM exposes the hidden agenda of campus agitators

“Are you a professor here?” “No,” said a woman who identified herself as Annie. “I’m a revolutionary organizer. “I’m an…


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Texas universities ‘plot and plan’ strategies to skirt laws

The Texas government has banned Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion programs from higher education. AIM visited Texas A&M, Texas State, and…

Attorneys school Texas teachers on legal ways to implement 1619 Project

Corpus Christi educators admit to teaching principles of the 1619 Project but dropping the label

Austin schools defy ban on CRT: Exclusive footage reveals hidden agenda


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It’s time for Northwestern President Michael Schill to resign – take action NOW!

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Our investigations and activism garners media attention across the globe.

Fox News releases latest AIM investigation

AIM’s push for resignation of Columbia president featured in the Daily Wire

The Daily Northwestern covers AIM billboard trucks on campus


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