Time cover shows Biden in a trash-strewn Oval Office left by Trump
January 21, 2021
Time magazine wasted no time expressing its disdain for former President Donald Trump as it unveiled a new cover showing President Joe Biden standing in a trash-strewn Oval Office that Trump apparently left behind for his successor.
TIME's new cover: Day one https://t.co/VazxGDJzZf pic.twitter.com/R6jVrzXXZc
— TIME (@TIME) January 21, 2021
In addition to the complete disarray of the Oval Office, there is the image of Biden standing by the window looking out on a smoke-filled sky representing the turmoil and chaos of the Trump administration.
The accompanying cover article written by Charlotte Alter does little to dispel the idea that Trump left behind a mess for Biden to fix mentioning the “thousands who turned to violence to “stop the steal,” referring to the Capitol Hill riots.
As for Biden, who called for unity in his inauguration speech, Alter writes that it will be enough if he can how the country, in her view, operated pre-Trump, that would be enough.
“Joe Biden may never unify America. That may not even be possible in a nation so riven by disinformation and delusion. But if he can get Americans who disagree on everything else to agree on the democratic process, if he can help restore political debate to the realm of truth, if he can deliver enough solutions to restore some small faith in government, that would be a start. America still won’t be united, but it could be united enough.”
It was only day one of the Biden presidency but the media love affair with No. 46 was in full view.