WaPo’s Wemple criticizes CNN’s Cuomo ‘Love-a-thon’

March 17, 2021

By Don Irvine

Washington Post media critic Erik Wemple took a shot at CNN’s coverage of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo amid the sexual harassment scandal that threatens to end his political career.

Wemple appeared Sunday on CNN’s Reliable Sources hosted by Brian Stelter to discuss the media’s coverage of Cuomo, when he told Stelter what he thought of the network’s coverage regarding the governor and his brother, Chris, who is a CNN anchor.

“I would be remiss, Brian, if I didn’t mention CNN’s own huge media story here with Chris Cuomo the anchor at the nine o’clock hour who covered Andrew Cuomo and had all these wonderful love-a-thon interviews with him, more than ten of them.”

Wemple went on to cite how CNN suspended conflict of interest rules for those interviews and then suddenly enforced them again only after Andrew Cuomo’s historic scandal, and calling it a major black eye for CNN.


CNN’s efforts to protect the Cuomo family have backfired as the scandal has grown and as Wemple pointed out how they encouraged the Cuomo brothers interviews which flew in the face of journalistic ethics, only to try and course correct when the scandal became too big to ignore.

Gov. Cuomo’s political future is in doubt now that he has been abandoned by many state Democrat leaders and several nationally elected leaders including Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and President Joe Biden, who told ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos in an exclusive interview on Tuesday that Cuomo should resign if the investigation proves the accusations of sexual harassment are true.



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