NYT: Cuomo COVID scandal even worse than previously reported

April 28, 2021

By Caroline Lee Smith

It has been widely reported that New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s policies had a direct role in the staggering amount of COVID-related nursing home deaths in his state. But according to a report Wednesday from the New York Times, the numbers are even worse than previously reported.

According to the report, Cuomo’s office “engaged in a sustained effort to prevent the state’s own health officials… from releasing the true death toll to the public.” A scientific paper that included the data was never published. Letters from the Health Department to state legislators were never sent. Aides “repeatedly overrul[ed] state health officials over a span of at least five months.”

All of this occurred while Cuomo was “pitching and writing a book on the pandemic.”

Earlier this week, RealClearPolitics reported that President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are not attending weekly COVID calls with governors. Cuomo is in charge of leading these meetings, effectively leading the president’s COVID task force, even after New York’s falsified numbers –  those terrible as well – were released.

And the media enabled Cuomo all the while.

Accuracy in Media has covered Cuomo’s shortcomings and the media’s complicity throughout the pandemic, with a recent push to have Cuomo’s Emmy award rescinded.

The New York Times covered for him after he initially required nursing homes to take COVID-positive patients. CNN repeatedly highlighted Cuomo in a “love-fest” with his brother, CNN anchor Chris Cuomo.

A January release from New York Attorney General Letitia James revealed that New York knowingly undercounted nursing home deaths, and both CNN and MSNBC failed to press Cuomo on the issue, with CNN instead hosting softball Cuomo brothers interviews, and MSNBC waiting until days after the story broke to address it. When CNN finally addressed it, Chris Cuomo asked a direct question, which Gov. Cuomo deflected – and CNN’s Cuomo did not follow up.

Meanwhile, the hosts of The View had Gov. Cuomo on to help hawk his new book and discuss his love life.




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