Press should ask White House why Russia chose Biden, not Trump
December 7, 2021
The Russian bogeyman that was able to steal the 2016 election with Facebook ads and install its favorite secret agent, Donald Trump, in the White House– according to the press — is at it again.
As the rest of us prepare for Christmas, the Russian Bear is looking at Ukraine as a big present tied with a bow sitting under the tree and asking why not just unwrap that present now.
And the question we must be asking ourselves, in turn, is why didn’t Russia make this play for Ukraine when the supposed Russian agent named Trump – again, according to the media — was in the White House?
Isn’t it going to be more difficult for Russia now that Super Joe, the smiter of Russian oligarchs, is in power?
Presumably, it would have been a lot easier to take Ukraine when the guy that the media told us that Russia backed was in power, rather than waiting until the first year of a new Democrat administration that media told us would stand up against Russian dictators.
Perhaps it’s because the media, once again, had the story wrong.
Russia has always interfered in U.S. elections. It conducts routine covert influence operations each and every day against the U.S., similar to things the U.S. does against Russia.
“Covert Influence Operations can be something as simple as starting a ‘rumor campaign’, nurturing it and watching it grow until it gets legs of its own, to infiltrating the news media and controlling the narrative. All it takes is playing on the preconceived notions of a willing audience and letting things develop, giving a little nudge here and there to keep your message on target,” former CIA trainer Del Wilber told Accuracy in Media recently.
And the important operational target, in this case, wasn’t the 2016 election or Trump, but rather the press, which as a result has blown up Russian power to mythical proportions in the minds of their readers and made it difficult for the U.S. and Russia to cooperate at all.
But Russia is not that strong. In fact, compared to the top military powers, Russia is an also-ran, not a contender notwithstanding its nuclear arsenal.
Today Russia spends $49 billion on its defense budget, versus a U.S. defense budget of $753 billion.
At no time between Presidents Barack Obama and Joe Biden, including the time under Donald Trump, has the U.S. lacked the requisite military means to prevent Russia from invading Ukraine, even if it might be bloody and nasty.
And if the Russians have decided it’s now time to gobble up Ukraine like a Christmas goose, it’s likely because they reckon that Biden will do nothing to stop them.
It was the same when Obama did nothing to stop Russia from invading Ukraine the last time Democrats were in the White House.
Russia acted badly because they knew Obama would let them act badly.
It would be great if we had a press that would note these distinctions, but the press is too busy running its own Russian disinformation program against its readers.