The media has officially turned on Jon Stewart

January 6, 2022

By Ella Carroll-Smith

Newsweek decided to fan the flames of the recent J.K. Rowling controversy by promoting some lies about former Daily Show host and comedian Jon Stewart. In a piece headlined, “Jon Stewart Accuses J.K. Rowling of Antisemitism in ‘Harry Potter,’” the outlet misconstrued month-old comments Stewart made in jest on his podcast about how the portrayal of goblins in Harry Potter is indicative of broader anti-Semitism in Hollywood. 

Stewart hit back at Newsweek for their coverage, saying, “I did not accuse [J.K. Rowling] of being anti-Semitic. I really love the Harry Potter movies… A reasonable person could not have looked at that conversation and seen it as anything other than lighthearted, so let me say this instead to Newsweek: your business model is f****** arson.” Following Stewart’s comments, Newsweek went back and edited the original article on their site to add additional context, but Jon Stewart is having none of it. 

Newsweek’s attack on Rowling is nothing new. The Left has been vilifying her for years now. But its decision to add Jon Stewart into the mix speaks to a broader trend among leftists and the mainstream media at large. Stewart was once beloved by leftists. Some Republicans even held a grudging respect for him because at least he was funny while he was roasting them. Back in 2008, The New York Times believed Stewart to be the “most trusted man in America.” Recently, however, Stewart committed a faux pas among Democrats: he dared to disagree with them. 

Last year, Stewart went against the left-wing narrative and admitted it was very likely that COVID-19 came from a Wuhan lab, which resulted in such a backlash among leftists that even Stewart himself was surprised. In a complete turnaround from their past warm sentiments towards Stewart, outlets such as Vox now promote the idea that he should not be trusted at all because “in the aftermath of the Trump administration, it’s no longer clear that the liberal landscape Jon Stewart helped construct was an unalloyed good.” 

There’s a reason that the Left still adores Stewart’s former sidekick, Stephen Colbert, when they’ve now turned on Stewart himself. Colbert hates Trump and parrots nothing but left-wing talking points on his show night after night. He sticks to the script, whereas Stewart does not. Just like J.K. Rowling, Stewart used to be a darling of the left until he demonstrated the ability to think for himself.  He doesn’t simply go along to get along – he’s brave enough to speak his mind and occasionally disagree with the left, and they hate him for it. 


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