Who apologizes to DeSantis? Johns Hopkins study finds lockdowns ineffective
February 2, 2022
Over the last several months, as one orthodoxy after another around COVID “science” has proven to be false — or, at least, misguided — as told by academics, journalists and politicians who slammed critics of the COVID dogma as dangerous heretics that science changes over time.
It was a kind of backdoor apology by a group who can never admit they are wrong, because they are interested in power, not results.
But now, the scientific community and their enablers in political, bureaucratic and press offices around the country owe the rest of us an apology.
A new study by Johns Hopkins University that looked at COVID lockdowns in Europe and the U.S. found that the lockdown measures that enforced social isolation and historic unemployment with a cost estimated at $10 trillion in America alone, only reduced COVID mortality rates by 0.2 percent.
“We find no evidence that lockdowns, school closures, border closures, and limiting gatherings have had a noticeable effect on COVID-19 mortality,” researchers said.
It’s another blow to the scientific orthodoxy that has been foisted on the world since the beginning of the pandemic, orthodoxy that has been used as an excuse for an unprecedented seizure of power by governments.
Today lockdowns, and the power they enable, have only been held in abeyance by cooler heads, such as Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) who was denounced by liberals as a dangerous heretic who likes to kill people, because he refused another round of lockdowns for his state.
“DeSantis’ ambition, like that of too many of his fellow GOP governors, is literally killing people,” said the St. Louis Post-Dispatch Editorial Board.
Turns out, the Editorial Board was wrong.
When Americans relied on scientists, journalists and politicians the most, the scientists, journalists and politicians failed them. That’s because they put politics and power over science as the giveaway line “his fellow GOP governors” in the St Louis op-ed clearly demonstrates.
And it’s not just the Post-Dispatch.
The media consistently hyped the threat of the pandemic early on, thus increasing demand for politicians to “do something,” in the ever-growing quest to allow the federal government to manage every aspect of our lives.
The “something” they did crushed the economy in return for no discernable health benefit. The financial stimulus measures came to $5.3 trillion, with another $4.8 trillion kicked in by the Federal Reserve.
But that doesn’t count the human cost in rising crime, mental health and social instability.
And where does DeSantis go to get his apology? The media mocked him endlessly for ending lockdowns.
Social media influencers called him “DeathSantis,” yet it turns out, his policy was correct.
And still, this massive story about the ineffectiveness of lockdowns is nowhere to be found on CNN, the New York Times, BuzzFeed or NowThis.
Instead, the Times is still hyping COVID death rates in America, as the World Health Organization proposes another round of restrictions on Americans, who just want their life to be semi-normal again.
If you are keeping a tally at home, this means that lockdowns don’t work, cloth masks are ineffective and even the vaccinated can get COVID and die — all positions that have gotten people banned from social media, blocked by friends and even fired from jobs.