Chelsea Handler: White men owe us an apology

March 22, 2022

By Christian Toto

Chelsea Handler is bashing white men. Again.

The far-Left comic previously said white men are the only comedy targets left in modern times. Now, she’s admitting that not all of them are bad.

Just enough, though, to make blanket statements about people who share her skin color.

Low-rated talk show host Samantha Bee invited Handler on her weekly podcast, “Full Release,” to talk love, therapy and Trump derangement.

Bee also quizzed Handler about her romance with fellow comedian Jo Koy, and the former Netflix star confesses she had all but given up on finding a good man. That lead to this awkward exchange where Handler bemoaned how many men argue with her over “equality.”

“Men can be so [sigh] disappointing,” Handler says.

“I know it’s not all men, obviously, I have to keep saying that, which is so annoying. My brother says, ‘Chelsea, not all white guys are bad. Well, you are for even saying that. Don’t even say that,” she continues.

“No one is saying all white guys are bad. We’re saying there are enough bad ones out there, that as a collective, you guys all owe us an apology.”

To which the far-Left Bee, who is white, said a quick, “yup.”

Handler then expanded on her thinking, falling back on Identity Politics 101.

“The pattern of behavior [of white men] in our culture, it’s not your fault, but you have to recognize that you’ve had an unfair advantage, and that women have had to pay the price for that, period,” Handler says.

“It’s like when a white person is arguing about racism, as if they have any idea what the impact or effect is. ‘I don’t think that this is racist,’ she says, taking on the persona of a white male. “Your opinion is irreverent.”

“Completely irreverent,” Bee says.

Two white women agree that white men can’t have opinions on equality, race or so-called “white privilege,” but they can have opinions on all of the above.

Then again, Bee is no stranger to using skin color against people.



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