Richard Dreyfuss: Woke will kill America

April 6, 2022

By Christian Toto

Most Hollywood actors, from rising stars to A-listers alike, are sitting out the fight to save free speech.

Even on Oscar night, when celebrities use their podium time to promote pet causes, free speech doesn’t get a close-up. Many celebrities have cheered on social media titans for banning select leaders.

Others wish Fox News, the popular cable channel serving right-leaning audiences, would be banished.

Richard Dreyfuss is a startling exception to all of the above.

The star of “Jaws,” “Close Encounters of the Third Kind,” “The Goodbye Girl” and “What About Bob?” joined right-leaning podcaster Megyn Kelly this week to tackle the subject head on.

And he didn’t hold back during the robust, and frank, conversation.

The man behind The Dreyfuss Civics Initiative, born to instill a sense of the American experiment in students, railed against Big Tech’s attempts to silence debate.

Need a chilling example?

Facebook, along with Twitter, censored the Hunter Biden laptop story two years ago, a report now confirmed by multiple news outlets. Dreyfuss called that suppression, conducted weeks before the 2020 presidential election, “despicable.”

“It’s breaking the most fundamental part of the First Amendment,” he said of the maneuvers.

Read more and see the full interview at


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