Salon publishes pettiest possible complaint against the Catholic church
July 5, 2022
Salon is complaining that the Catholic Church operates a large number of charitable and not-for-profit hospitals in the country. This is a problem because women cannot gain abortions in Catholic hospitals.
Sorry, what? But yes, this is a problem:
“But Catholic doctrine is becoming a very big issue in subtler ways — in its ever widening role in American healthcare, and in the confusing, contradictory execution of religious dogma in medical options that can put patients at risk without their prior knowledge.”
Salon really is complaining that people doing things on their own dime, non-profits dedicated to medical care, aren’t doing what Salon wants.
“This isn’t just about abortion on demand. This is about the impact on the health and safety of pregnant individuals. This is about the absolute absurdity of a group of religious men making broad advancements in the practice of American medicine, and the increasingly prolific aggressive interpretation of their directives.”
People stand by their principles, and this cannot be allowed. For the simple reason that this conflicts with the principles espoused by those who write Salon.
Salon really is saying that it’s a problem that the Catholic Church tends to its ministry by running not-for-profit hospitals because those hospitals do not provide abortion services. The underlying point being made is that we must all produce, provide, do, as Salon thinks we should rather than as we think we should.