This is how easily Teen Vogue will abandon its politics

November 30, 2022

By Accuracy in Media Staff

An estimated 63.9 million consumers were estimated to have shopped during Cyber Monday 2022. 

Teen Vogue, a stout opponent of capitalism, should hate the thought of two days of supporting massive corporations like Amazon and Walmart making billions. The magazine features odes to socialism, lauded a book on “Escaping Capitalism,” and keeps a “CAPITALISM” keyword tag on anything remotely anti-work-related

However, Teen Vogue has to make some kind of profit, or else it would cease to exist, fading into irrelevance. What better way to pull internet traffic and money than to feature Cyber Monday deals. The chain of articles and lists promotes products from Amazon, Walmart, Target, and more, even after the magazine specifically condemning Amazon’s founder Jeff Bezos, for wanting to “colonize the moon” and not paying taxes

In an article titled The Socialist Manifesto for Gen Z, by Gen Z, the Teen Vogue author perceives the free market as related to “the white-supremacist, bourgeois state than older generations” and that  “We have watched capitalism fail time and again, having experienced two of the country’s worst recessions, in 2008 and again in 2020.” While no system is perfect, I would wager that the recessions from occasional capitalistic hardship, are far more preferable than successful socialism which gave us the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (Nazi) and Mao Zedong’s Great Leap Forward, which massacred an estimated 43 million people.

It seems that despite the large number of articles promoting socialism and disparaging characteristics of capitalism such as business competition and wealthy people, Teen Vogue ultimately adheres to the ideals of a free market. If the magazine truly believed the radical socialist ideas it published so frequently on its site, it would probably not be advocating for such a prominent capitalistic holiday.


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