South Carolina considering bill to allow voters to decide on state funds for religious schools

March 7, 2023

By Just the News

The South Carolina House passed a measure allowing voters to decide whether to lift a provision that bars state tax dollars from benefiting religious or private schools.

If H.3591 is codified, voters will decide during the November 2024 general election whether to eliminate the provision, known as the “Blaine Amendment.”

According to a review by the South Carolina Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Office, the “bill will have no expenditure impact for the State Election Commission as the agency anticipates the cost associated with the additional responsibilities from this joint resolution will be minimal and can be managed with existing staff and within existing appropriations.”

The South Carolina House Education and Public Works Committee passed legislation to create an open enrollment system.

H.3843 would allow families to select any public school in the state to attend, regardless of their address, which proponents say will allow parents to personalize their children’s education.

“In state capitals across the country, the momentum for educational choice is on the side of parents and students,” Americans for Prosperity-South Carolina State Director Candace Carroll said in a statement. “Together, these bills will give families more flexibility and control over their children’s education, to help every student succeed.”

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