features AIM billboard at Stanford Law student’s home

May 4, 2023

By Accuracy In Media

A conservative free speech group that targets mainstream media brought billboard-sized digital screens into a residential neighborhood in Englewood Cliffs this week, plastered with the name of a Stanford University law school student who lives there, after members of his campus organization heckled a conservative federal judge at a speaking event.

The group’s truck, with bright blue digital billboards, stood parked outside the purported residence of law student Mohit Mookim on Tuesday and Wednesday during the university’s spring break, showing text messages in white and yellow letters that said, “A member of Mohit Mookim’s group shouted ‘I hope your daughters get raped.’”

The comment was allegedly made when members of the progressive Stanford chapter of the National Lawyers Guild heckled Judge Stuart Kyle Duncan at a March 9 event on the Stanford Law School campus. After a few attempts at reasoning with the shouting law students, the judge argued back, and according to some reports, called one of them an “idiot.”

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