Joe Rogan on Miller Lite ad: ‘I hate identity politics’

May 17, 2023

By Christian Toto

Joe Rogan initially thought BudLightGate was a Nothingburger with fries.

Trans TikTok star Dylan Mulvaney’s Bud Light connection sent the company’s market value crashing by $5 billion, but Rogan wasn’t outraged about the connection.

He’s since had a change of heart.

The Spotify superstar later dubbed Mulvaney, who has landed numerous sponsorships in recent months, an “attention whore.”

Now, Rogan is shredding another beer spot that went viral for all the wrong reasons. Miller Lite’s commercial, tied to Women’s History Month, features woke comic Ilana Glazer.

The clip finds the “Broad City” star giving a tour of past beer advertisements featuring beautiful women in bikinis. That is no longer acceptable, Glazer insists in the spot, and Miller Lite is composting old, inappropriate beer posters to help female brewers grow new hops.

The spot has a tongue-in-cheek vibe with plenty of bleeped S-bombs, but the message is clear. Beer companies can no longer use beautiful women to lure men into trying their product.

Rogan, along with his guest author Jack Carr, couldn’t stop laughing at the clip. They also found it frustrating on a cultural level.

“Miller Lite’s on a mission to make sure no one buys their stuff,” Carr cracked.

Continue reading here at Hollywood in Toto.


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