AIM on the Hill: Does Congress actually care about national debt?

May 25, 2023

By Accuracy in Media Staff

Accuracy in Media President Adam Guillette took to Capitol Hill to ask members of Congress about our country’s exponential spending and how it impacts Americans. Neither side was eager to discuss the topic, though AIM obtained a few interesting comments.

When asked if federal spending is out of control, Democrat Rep. Jesús “Chuy” García of Illinois’ fourth district said,

“Federal spending is reviving the American economy…I’ve been here four years and we’ve been acting responsibly, and we’ve endured a pandemic…the first ever.”

In response to the same question in regard to COVID spending, Republican Rep. Alderholt of Alabama’s fourth district had this to say,

“You have to do what you have to do at the time.”

Guillette pressed the official further, “But most of those COVID packages, the majority of the money didn’t even go COVID-related stuff.”

“Well, that’s what I’m saying,” Alderholt said. “I mean… But, at were there were some things that, for businesses, that were good investments.”

As a solution, Rep. Donald Beyer (D-Va. 8) said, “We need more revenue. We need everybody to pay their fair share including corporations and the richest Americans”. 

The next round of questioning was aimed at representatives who proclaimed to be for budget cuts. AIM wanted to know if they’d put their money where their mouth is when confronted.

Republican Rep. Byron Donalds (Fla. 19) had this response to the following inquiry,

“An American born today immediately owes $78,000 towards the national deficit. Is that enough? Do they need to owe more?”

“No. We’re going to, you know, try and get the White House to see the reality that we have to start making cuts and trying to put caps on spending.” 

Other congressional members from either side either completely avoided AIM, walking wordlessly away.



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