NY Daily News covers AIM activism against antisemitic high school teacher in Queens

March 1, 2024

By Accuracy In Media

After targeting Columbia, doxxing truck goes after anti-Israel high school teacher in Queens

The “doxxing trucks” that targeted pro-Palestinian students at Columbia, Harvard and other universities are now focusing on a teacher at a Queens public high school who’s come under fire for his vocal anti-Israel stance.

The mobile digital billboard circled Gotham Tech High School in Long Island City, Queens, on Wednesday, referring to Palestinian-American math teacher Mohammad Jehad Ahmad as “New York City’s Leading Antisemite.” Ahmad was at the center of a conservative national media firestorm in the fall after he called Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on Israel a “successful military campaign” on Fox News.

The group behind the trucks, Accuracy in Media, broadcasted his social media posts against Israel and directed onlookers to “take action” at a link with his name. The website covers a lengthy history of Ahmad’s comments on the current war and decades of conflict.

“Zionist’s [sic] ‘play’ is to disrupt education by flooding inboxes & making it difficult for people to do their jobs, disrupting education by harassing school communities, & disrupting education by literally spreading misinformation and lies,” he said on X, formerly known as Twitter.


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