Harvard applications plummet in potential harbinger for other schools dealing with antisemitism

April 3, 2024

By Just the News

Harvard University has seen a decline in applications following months of scandals involving antisemitism, plagiarism and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion programs in what critics are calling a warning to other schools facing such challenges.

“Let all of US higher education be warned: If you don’t kick the radicals off campus and off the school’s board, shut down the DEI offices and focus on offering an education worth the cost of tuition, you could be next,” the New York Post wrote in an editorial Saturday.

While Harvard had nearly 57,000 applicants for the class of 2027, applications declined more than 5% to about 54,000 for the incoming class of 2028.

The day of the Oct. 7, 2023, terrorist attack on Israel, which was the bloodiest day for Jews since the Holocaust, was met with displays of antisemitism at the Ivy League school.

Harvard student groups signed a letter blaming Israel for the Oct. 7, 2023, terrorist attack hours after the assault began, while Hamas was still on its murderous rampage that killed about 1,200 people.


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