Exposed: The hidden agenda of campus agitators

May 15, 2024

By Tim Worstall

“Are you a professor here?”

No,” said a woman who identified herself as Annie. “I’m a revolutionary organizer.

“I’m an outside agitator.”

Accuracy in Media’s undercover journalists went to learn more about the UCLA protests — and found not just that the mob became violent, but that accounts of “outside agitators” infiltrating campus were true.

“America sits at the top of an imperialist empire, they’re the number one oppressor in the world,” she said.

The use of “they’re” not “we” or “us” is revealing: This is not people at home arguing for a change in public policy – this is people from outside. As is, obviously, true of a part of the demonstrations themselves. Outside agitators climbing aboard the student demonstrations are not the same thing as student demonstrations.

Revcoms for the Emancipation of Humanity is where Annie said she is from. RevCom, or revolutionary communists, are part of the cult around the Maoist Bob Avakian, whose ideas are, to be honest and frank about it, the sort of stuff we’d hope kids grow out of by Day Two of puberty. Revolutionary vanguards and all that – the stuff that has failed into welters of bloodshed everywhere tried.

They’re not above being aggressive themselves – they call us “Zion-Nazis.” for example.

It’s possible to simply dismiss these people as yet another revolutionary groupuscule of the deluded – which they are. But that’s to miss the problem here. Because such deluded have taken power in other countries. They’ve done so by infiltrating other movements, other discontents. The outcome has always been mountains of skulls. They’re also not a joke – they really mean this.

The violent revolutionary tendencies always do work by coopting other discontents. It’s happening again, here. 

At the same time, this new socialist state could only have resulted from a whole process of revolutionary work and struggle, in the realm of theory as well as practical political activity, by the Revolutionary Communist Party, acting as the vanguard of the revolutionary process, to enable both the Party itself and growing numbers of broader masses to prepare for and then to seize on the emergence of a revolutionary situation, to defeat and dismantle the forces of the old, oppressive order, and establish the new socialist state. In this whole process, the interaction and mutual reinforcement between the vanguard role of the Revolutionary Communist Party–with its theoretical basis in the science of communism and the further development of this science through the new synthesis brought forward by Bob Avakian–and the growing consciousness and increasingly determined struggle of masses of people

Yes, they’re mad, but they’re also dangerous. For this nonsense has actually worked elsewhere, in fact it governed a third of humanity for most of the 20th century. Whatever else happens on campus we really don’t want these around.



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