AIM mobile billboard campaign targets Philadelphia educator’s radical views, controversial social media posts

June 11, 2024

By Accuracy in Media Staff

Ismael Jimenez, director of social studies curriculum for a Philadelphia school district, will receive a healthy dose of accountability from an Accuracy in Media mobile billboard on Tuesday. The truck is making a visit to Jimenez’s home and office to ensure that his family and colleagues know about his radical leftism.

On social media, Jimenez has encouraged teachers to advance their political agenda in the classroom, posting a quote from radical education activist Dr. Camika Royal, that reads: 

“Any educators unwilling to use their position on behalf of those who have been marginalized, oppressed, and dispossessed is not worthy of their position. Any educator more concerned with job security than with the lives of the students, families, and our collective humanity is a self-serving educator. Any educator who prioritizes temporary compliance rather than challenging the oppression embedded in schools and school system is merely reproducing our inequitable, unjust society.”

His Instagram is littered with posts calling “the system” wicked, claiming that Black Americans are “captive and exploited people.” In the School District of Philadelphia where 50% of its students are Black, this way of thinking is both patronizing and untrue. 

As of April, Jimenez’s district is currently under investigation by the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights over reports of antisemitic incidents. One teacher reportedly crossed Israel off a map in a classroom and wrote Palestine instead, which offended many students. The complaint filed also includes screenshots of a game students could access which asked, “What do we hate? Two right answers.” The correct responses were “pork” and “Israel.”

“This is not an instance of a single teacher on a soapbox, where a parent could request their child be moved to another section. This is the director of social studies curriculum for a major public school system,” said AIM President Adam Guillette. “Encouraging teachers to promote their own political beliefs within the classroom is bad enough. Worse still is the implication that they have a duty to spread radical views to impressionable children as they are forming their own opinions, and in a place where many parents have no other schooling options to avoid it.”


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