Demand accountability: Emory University employs Pro-Hamas antisemite

July 10, 2024

By Tim Worstall

Accuracy in Media has gone to Emory University.

The particular problem with this part of the American college system is, as AIM President Adam Guillette says:

“Today at Emory University, we’re shining a spotlight on a deeply troubling issue: the fact that this institution has a pro-Hamas antisemite on its payroll. This is not just an oversight—it’s an outrage, especially considering that Emory’s student body is 20% Jewish.”

We’ve taken the billboard truck and ensured everyone locally knows the problem.

As background there’s this. There’s no problem with having a Muslim Religious Life Scholar on campus. Investigation of religion is an important part of education. But what is being taught is a little different:

  • …there is no such thing as Israeli civilians “and the reason they are not civilians is every single Israeli is obligated to serve in the IDF therefore you (Israelis) are a military target”
  • ”Hamas is a humanitarian organization that gives money to widows, sends children to school, and builds hospital(s).”
  • The IDF created and funded Hamas and since Israel “created the monster, the monster will destroy you.” – Coverage of Hamas atrocities is “misinformation” similar to what was spun “during the Iraq war”

Well, you get the picture. It’s every excuse for Hamas that is touted out there. But it gets worse:

Weighs in on the historical tribes of Israel and says specifically “the one tribe of Israel, the Yehuda, is the one causing all the trouble on Earth,…chaos on Earth”

That really is just straight-up antisemitism. Jews are responsible for everything that goes wrong – that would have both Goebbels and Hitler nodding along in agreement.

This is not acceptable on an American campus. That this is on a campus that is 20% Jewish is just adding that insult to the original injury. This is vile racism at the very least.

Students taught in this way will – some of them – come to believe it. Which is what did happen with the demonstrations and campus sit-ins at Emory:

At least 28 people were arrested after anti-Israel protesters set up an encampment at Emory University on April 25.

Well, if the people teaching college are telling everyone that Jews are the source of all problems in the world then this is what’s going to happen. Isn’t it?

The answer is that college should employ people who teach the truth. Which is why we at Accuracy in Media are out there with the billboard truck pointing out the problem with Emory continuing to employ – ever having employed – Dr. Isam Vaid.

And now to the truly big problem. Emory should know this. It shouldn’t be necessary for us, or anyone else, to have to point this out. That we do is what is wrong with American academia.

Take action now – tell the Emory Board of Trustees to hold Vaid accountable at



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