Exposed: Pro-Hamas medical residents at Bassett Medical Center spark controversy as AIM shines a light on extremist allegiances

September 24, 2024

By Accuracy in Media Staff

Bassett Medical Center in Cooperstown, New York, employs two radical antisemitic residents. Georgia Payne and Claire Howlett were leaders in Columbia University Apartheid Divest, Columbia’s pro-Hamas student coalition. 

Accuracy in Media is holding these two women accountable and making sure patients and other staff members at the medical center know that their physician or colleague supports a terrorist organization.

AIM President Adam Guillette accompanied a mobile billboard to Cooperstown to expose Payne and Howlett.

Guillette asked locals if they would be bothered by being treated by a physician who openly supports Hamas, most responded “as long as they’re qualified it doesn’t bother me.” However, when asked if they would want to be “treated by a physician who is a part of the KKK or Al-Qaeda,” it often spurred more thought.

Politics has clouded the minds of Americans, not allowing them to draw a moral equivalence between Hamas and other terrorist organizations and hate groups. In reality Hamas has no qualms about openly calling for the extermination of Jews worldwide. 

One passerby parroted the typical media narrative of “genocide in Gaza,” and hatred of Israeli President Netanyahu.

An elder lady, visibly upset, stopped by Guillette to scream that “We’re complicit in genocide of Palestinians,” and that by paying taxes we are committing genocide. Hoarse with unbridled passion for anyone but the Jews, she lamented that she “can’t believe that [we’re] doing this,” then suddenly apologized for speaking “out of enragement.” 

It’s one thing for a physician to have their own opinions about the war in Israel and Gaza, but it’s entirely another to be pro-Hamas, and advocate for a group who committed a terror attack killing over a thousand Israelis on October 7. Accuracy in Media will not allow pro-terrorist radicals to remain hidden behind their Ivy League towers, and plan to keep holding these students accountable.

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