The Blaze: ‘Not illegal if you don’t get caught’: Texas school official caught on vid giving advice on how to put a boy in girls’ sports

January 30, 2025

By Accuracy In Media

‘Not illegal if you don’t get caught’: Texas school official caught on vid giving advice on how to put a boy in girls’ sports

An official with the Irving Independent School district was caught on camera giving a parent advice on how to sidestep rules in order to have a male play in female sports.

The alleged parent is heard on camera speaking to Reny Lizardo, executive director of campus operations with Irving ISD.

The woman appears to tell Lizardo she is thinking about moving her family to the district, including her “daughter” who is “transgender.” She then told the official she is concerned about “transphobia” and “bigotry.”

In the video, Lizardo appeared to tell the woman how to work around district rules in order to have the boy play on a girls’ sports team.

“Could you legally change a gender on a birth certificate?” Lizardo asked the woman.

“I believe in some places you can,” the woman replied.

“So if you can get that done, and you turn [in to] us a birth certificate that says ‘this gender,’ that’s the gender we go with,” Lizardo explained.

Continue reading here at The Blaze.


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